
Trout Hatcheries In Trouble
October 13, 2003

We have received reports that both the Burlington and Quinebaug trout hatcheries are facing major problems.

Burlington is reported suffering large losses of trout numbering in the tens of thousands per year due to predation from avian predators. Control methods such as noisemakers have been stopped because of complaints from neighbors. Coverings for the ponds are an option. However, budget cutbacks have precluded a major investment by the agency to cover all ponds. Trout Unlimited has funded some coverings, and our Council is looking into what we can do to help.

Quinebaug is suffering from declining quality and quantity of fresh water supply. It is no longer possible to produce the number, size or quality of trout for the fisheries program that are needed. Major improvements in water supply infrastructure are needed to correct this situation. Again, budget shortfalls preclude immediate attention to the problem. The short-term solution appears to be changes to the existing fish culture practices at the hatchery. This will mean a reduction in the number of fish raised and stocked in the future.





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